Quiz 2

Quiz 2: Complete no later than Mar. 29th by 11:59 pm.

Please Note:
This is an open note exam.  When you are ready, go to the Quizzes Module at the Music 481 Canvas site, click on Quiz 2, complete it, and submit it.  

Quiz 2 Topics: Use the Class Notes from Classes 3, 4, and 5.

Audio & Filter Effects:
   • EQ3 and EQ8
   • Delay and Filter Delay
   • Resonators
   • Reverb

Basic Terms 2:
   • Basic Terms: cycle/period, harmonic series
   • Sine wave, triangle wave, pulse, square or rectangular wave, sawtooth wave
   • Low-frequency oscillator, and LFO-driven modulation.

Precursors 2:
   • Early synthesis
   • Early synthesizers

Digital Synthesizers – Additive & Subtractive Synthesis:
   • Analog & Simpler in Classic Mode
   • Sound generation, filters, amplifiers, and envelopes

LFO-Driven Modulation:
   • Auto Pan
   • Auto Filter

Distortion Effect:
   • Amp


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